Alfalfa’s Secret is a product of the Anderson Family Farm in Cokato, MN. 100% owned and operated by Dr. Harlan Anderson, DVM and his two sons, Mark and Richard Anderson. All our feeds are researched, developed, and manufactured on the Anderson family farm by Dr. Harlan Anderson, DVM, a veterinarian in Cokato, MN. All of our products are made with alfalfa raised on the family farm, process and bagged on site, and shipped right from our farm.
The Anderson family farm, affectionately called Idle Acres, was first settled in 1871 by Sven and Christina Anderson. They were Swedish farmers who immigrated to America in search for a better life for their family. Over 140 years later, this Century farm is supporting its fifth generation (going on six). This history is why we believe so strongly in the conservation of our soils for the next generation, and the preservation of the family farmer is essential. It’s also why we’ve spent generations focused on raising quality forages. While we do raise other crops for rotation, we love alfalfa for its benefits to the environment and animal health. It significantly reduces soil erosion over traditional row crops, and minimizes soil work in the Spring and Fall since our alfalfa stands last five to eight years. Alfalfa naturally replenishes various nutrients to the soil, and is an important habitat for many organisms. In fact, local bee keepers rely on our alfalfa fields, which are allowed to go to full-bloom, to feed their honey bees.