Square Meal Feeds – A TOTAL MIXED RATION FEED Square Meal is a “Total Mixed Ration.” Soft, palatable, roughly 1.25-inch square “biscuits” of Square Meal contain mostly forage – high-quality alfalfa and grasses – combined with minerals and vitamins. The long fiber length of the forage in the biscuit makes...
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About: Dr. Harlan Anderson
Square Meal Feeds are researched, developed and manufactured by Dr. Harlan Anderson, DVM, a veterinarian in Cokato, Minn. The Anderson farm, affectionately called Idle Acres, is a fifth generation farming operation. In addition to his veterinary practice, Dr. Anderson has maintained an active hay, corn and soybean operation. He has a solid link to the land and the animals that rely on the fruits of the land
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